Advanced Blogging Tools


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Donna Moritz

This is a post by an award winning Australian blogger called Donna Moritz.

If you are a blogger, or interested in tools to increase the power of your images/visuals in your content, she is someone very well worth following.

I have been following Donna’s posts for several years now, and discovered her orginally through some Social Media Examiner online courses.

If you are not familiar with her work, I suggest you have a look and see what you think.

Thank You Word Press


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Image courtesy Lidya Nad – Unsplash

This is a shout out for Zohair Yousafi a WordPress ‘Happiness Engineer’.

Well, Zohair you have indeed made me very happy today! Thank you.

I think one of the lessons in life that I have learned along the way, is to play to your strengths and delegate/pay for others skills where necessary.

In 30 minutes Zohair solved my various website problems and taught me how to resolve some of them myself.

Something, I had literally spent hours trying to do…

If content, not code is your thing, I highly recommend a business plan with WordPress, because their ‘Engineers’ are not only super efficient, but super patient and helpful and don’t make you feel like a complete idiot for what I am sure must often be simple solutions.

It is that old adage, it is easy when you know how!

How technology can improve the lives of older people | Lifeline24


An interesting article from Lifeline 24 in the UK. Older people are closing the user gap on young people and tech allows the possibility of independence at home that was not possible twenty years ago.


Welcome to our an in-depth look at technology for older people. This article will explain areas of modern technology so that you feel comfortable using it.

Source: How technology can improve the lives of older people | Lifeline24

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Counting the days….


Less than two weeks until I go to India.

I am thinking about planning some interviews while I am there, for an upcoming podcast series I am creating here in Sydney about Health and Lifestyle.

India is a truly fascinating country.

Ideas are only germinating at the moment… in the meanwhile, a cat photo.

This is Ollie.

He is my six-month-old ragdoll kitten and extraordinarily mischievous.


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Autumn around Sydney Harbour



These are the moments that take us from the heat of summer to the relative cool of winter.

Hailing from the northern hemisphere, our autumn days here seem very heady and summery.


Wondering where the madness of Brexit will go next?

I love the UK, and having been brought up in Scotland and England in about equal measure, I feel an affinity to both.

I’ve lived around half my life in sunny Australia now.  So I am clearly a bit of a mongrel (in the nicest sense).

I would have been a ‘remainer’ with the UK vote, but now just would like it all to be over… for everyone’s sake, including us watching public.

How do those News Editor’s and commentators come up with anything new to say (barring of course May’s potential resignation offer yesterday).

The sadness is that our world seems to be more polarised than it has been for some time.

I have friends who love Trump and loathe Trump.

Jacinda Ahern said today it’s all about ‘humanity’ not domestic issues or ethnicity at the Christchurch memorial ceremony.

I think we need a little dose more of those thoughts around politics generally…

On a lighter note, I have ordered several beautiful full length cotton dresses to take with me to India, and am currently trying out three different pairs of ‘comfy’ shoes to walk around in.

I’m not necessarily of the ‘comfy’ ilk generally.  Yet, I would not call myself vain (ha ha).

Plus, I have ordered a new body for my camera.

A Nikon DX750.  It seems to cover all my needs and I can use my existing lenses, speedlights etc with it.

Photos will follow with the new kit….

Just for Fun


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So…..I decided to get a bit more ‘social’ about social media after a year being more active workwise, than vocal on my blog.

If you would like a hand, navigating Facebook/Instagram advertising or help writing a press release/contacting journalists, or a bit of a hand with content marketing or public relations in general, I’m still here to help.

But this year, I have to decided it is time to re-explore the creative side of my life, travel a bit (hopefully a lot!) and take up some new hobbies.

I’m going to share them with you, dear reader, to enjoy the experience second hand or feel inspired to try some of these for yourselves.

It will involve visiting other countries, taking up new artistic pursuits, creating podcasts (a step by step guide for those of you who love the idea but don’t know where to start) and generally having some fun.

And yes, there will be a fair number of photographs of pets.  As we are a ‘pet’ family.

You are welcome to skip those to the parts that you enjoy the best, and if, like us, your life is enriched with furry feline friends, then you might enjoy them too.

The beauty featured in this particular post is Bella.  It was not my first choice of name, but she lives up to the name in every respect.Bella tub

Our one year old chocolate labrador simply enriches our lives (and finally has stopped chewing our shoes and furniture) which of course makes her all the more adorable.

Looking forward to a great year ahead, and sharing adventures of the travel, creative and the ‘social’ variety with you.

What are you planning to do a bit differently this year?

Have you exciting ideas to share?

Changing Times

Coming soon, my adventure in India.

I’m not venturing out solo but with a small group tour with Intrepid Travel, whose photograph I have used above.

A classic tour around Rajasthan.

Cannot wait for the excitement to begin!

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Spit Manly


I hope this is a ‘thing’!

I had this thought in my mind as I walked the beautiful Manly-Spit walk today.

There are many types of beauty but this was a particularly refreshing view today. 

It is 40 degrees here in Sydney.  A heatwave even by our standards.

I listened while I walked to a very uplifting podcast that featured Alan Moore on the Entrepreneurs.

The Entrepreneurs Podcast

Thank you for the recommendation  John McFadden it truly was inspirational.

What if every company had aspirations of that sort of beauty?

What a world that would be!



#dogoodthings #linfluencers #worldkindness #NoLetUp

This article was originally posted on Linkedin.

How To Use Augmented Reality to Build Your Business


This week I discovered that I was able to create my own special Camera Effect AR Frame for Stories on Facebook.  And of course, had to give it a try!

Facebook is launching a series of new features to help people customise their photos and videos in the social network’s continuing battle with Snapchat, an app that put the camera, photos and video at the front-and-center of social interactions. Today, Facebook is unveiling a new tool that will allow anyone, including Facebook Page owners, to create custom profile frames for user’s photos. It’s also introducing similar capabilities, along with other effects that can be used on both photos and videos, with its new “in-app camera” available in a single test market (courtesy of TechCrunch).

I’m not a graphic designer and had not the first clue but thanks to a very informative Tutorial by Neil Bennett, in Digital Arts I actually managed to create a Frame that Facebook approved.  If you would like to try you own, read this article.

Mother's Day2

It’s a bit cheesy, and floral but did involve some effort.  I took photographs of some flowers  in Manly.  Then used an App called Cutout (Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator does the same) to isolate the little plants.

Uploaded them to Canva and then saved as a PNG with a transparent background.

Simple, when  you know how!

Within 24 hours, my Frame was approved and quite a few people have been using it!

I believe it is only contacts within my own Facebook presence that can use the Frame I created but it does open up huge possibilities for digital marketers.

Tomorrow, I will make some suggestions that you might consider to help build your business using this technology.  I’d love to hear yours.